
Pebble paving driveway

Pebble Coating

PebbleKote is our premium product within our range due to its stunningly beautiful appearance and amazing weathering characteristics.

When trying to work out the ratio you need to know the size of your pebbles.
Once you have the size you can calculate the amount of binder you'll need. For example, for 1.6mm pebbles you need 10kgs of those pebbles and 1lt of PolyKote Binder to cover 1 square metre @ 3mm thickness. This mix optimises the spread rate as well as the "toughness" of the final coating.

We recommend this ratio of the 1.6mm pebble especially for around areas you plan on walking barefoot because it is better/'softer' underfoot.

We do not sell pebbles, only the binder, but you can give us a call and we can try put you in touch with a pebble provider in your area or a contractor who can handle the entire thing for you so you don't have to stress.

The Pebbles are mixed with a time-proven, self-crosslinking, UV stable 'glue' and is simply laid into place, contoured and left to dry. It is quick, it is timeless and beautifully elegant.

PebbleKote Brochure

Click above to download the PebbleKote Brochure

Click Here

to download the Surface Preparation PDF document

Pebble Coating Demo - Part 1 - KleenKote Application

Lets start with the basics...

For part 1 of pebble paving you will need to clean your surface.

In the video to the left you will see exactly how to degrease your area to ensure no contaminants are left behind to cause potential failures in the future

Scrubbing a degreaser into the surface
KleenKote - Degreaser
Washing away KleenKote

Pebble Coating Demo - Part 2 - GripKote Application

Now that your surface has been properly washed and left to dry you can now apply your next essential product... the primer!

We recommend using our non-slip GripKote as the primer to use for both sealing a porous surface as well as provide a good solid primer base to help your pebbles adhere to the substrate.
Applying a primer
Applying the GripKote primer
Applying the GripKote primer

Pebble Coating Demo - Part 3 - Mixing the Pebbles

The FINAL step is to mix our PolyKote binder with your dry pebbles!

Finally, after all your prep work you can now apply your pebble paving!
Follow the steps in the video to see just how to do this part of the process and enjoy having a lovely new pebble paving area around your home!
PolyKote binder
Mixing the stone resin with pebbles
Applying the pebbles
Spreading the stone mulch
Applying the pebbles with trowel
troweling down pebbles that have been mixed with binder


There are a few binders that you can use for PebbleKote, click the link above to download our PebbleKote brochure which will give you all the ratios and information you need to successfully apply the pebble paving


The photos below are just some of the examples of work that has been skillfully and artfully done by a contractor up in JHB.
This just goes to show what is truly possible and how gorgeous pebbles can look in and around your home!

Some call this 'stone mulch' but it doesn't matter what word you use to describe the product, one thing we can all agree on is that it is stunning!

Pebble stone mulch around a braai area
Black stone mulch on garden patio
Black stone mulch around pool area


A customer of ours bought some PolyKote to fill in the gaps around her newly laid cobblestones and the pictures speak for themselves, the end result is spectacular!

It just goes to chow what can be accomplished with the right product and a creative flair

Before adding cobble stones and pebbles
Cobble stone
Pebble paving between cobble stones
Pebbles applied to stairs with SticKote
Pebbles applied to stairs with SticKote
Pebbles applied to stairs with SticKote

We have a range of the utmost quality Stainless Steel super flexible, guaranteed trowels to accomplish the perfect finish on our KOTE products, whether Pebbles, Sand, Rubber, Glass, Grit and others.

We have the sole agency for Southern Africa for this famous brand since 1963.

If quality is important to you, give us a call, we will help you to match the trowel to the job at hand. Don't forget if you want to see the whole range of products please click here to visit CO.ME website

Or you are welcome to download the PDF catalogue here CATALOGUE 1

Here is the latest addition catalogue of HIGH TECH trowels CATALOGUE 2

Send us your Before and After shots

Show off the transformation the your home or any surface by sending us your photos of the 'before' and the 'after' effect once you've applied our product.

We will add your images to our website to help inspire others and to show just how creative you can be with out product.

Beach house stairs covered with white beach sand

Stunning Sand Results with SticKote

As you can see from these stairs on the right, SticKote has the ability to cover every surface with beautiful sand!

A contractor in the Eastern Cape used SticKote only to mix and bind these beautiful pale beach sand to a set of staircases that led from a clients home to their own private beach. The wonderful thing about this is that it provided a soft non-slip coating on the steps so when the client left the beach they wouldn't slip on the stairs as well as match the beach themed decor of their garden. A truly stunning sight!


You've already read our PebbleKote Brochure but if you're curious to learn more about our SticKote binder as well as other uses for it you can click both link below for some interesting reading!

SticKote Brochure

Before using PolyKote and pebbles mix to fill in driveway border
After using PolyKote and pebbles mix to fill in driveway border

PolyKote Magic

The wonderful thing about our binders is not only does it have an incredible end finish but it can be used in various different ways once it has been mixed with pebbles.
As you can see from the pictures, a contractor in JHB found that you can get really nice clean lines along cobble stones in driveways and at the same time make beautiful designs around fountains.

Pebble paving around a fountain - JHB
PebbleKote - PolyKote - Pebble Paving
Outdoor flagstones
Outdoor area with pebble paving in the flagstones

Using PolyKote with 1.6mm Pebbles

As you can see from the images, a customer wanted to test an area at their property to see if the pebbles would create an aesthetically pleasing look between their tiles... the result? They are immensely happy!

Applying the PolyKote + Pebble mixture to the spaces in between the flagstones added to the natural look of their outdoor area and thus they will be completing the area with more pebble and PolyKote mix

Outdoor flagstones filled with 1.6mm pebbles
Outdoor flagstones filled with 1.6mm pebbles

Gorgeous Pebble Paving

Not all customers want the 'natural' looking Duzi pebble. Some prefer a darker tone like the pebbles used by a contractor in Durban.
The client requested to have a black, grey and white mini stone applied over they outdoor brick patio area that ran all the way out to their pool.
As you can see the clean, neat edging really brings new life to the area, transforming it into an eye catching outdoor area that will have their family and friends wanting to spend more time outside around the pool.

Pebble Walkway

PebbleKote on Walkway

One of our loyal customers applied the PebbleKote onto her walk way and as you can see from the image above, it has turned out splendid and worth doing it yourself.

Pebble Stairs

Pebbles on Your Steps

The same customer who applied our PebbleKote to her walkway (As seen on the left) also used some of our GritKote to clean up her driveway (As seen in black in the above photo) as well as applied our pebbles to her stairs.

Pebble Stairs
Pebble Walkway
Pebble Walkway

Pebbles At Your Feet

A contractor in JHB applied pebble paving onto the below shown steps in front of a home.

The clean lines and light colour make it the perfect addition to this lovely home.

Pebbled stairs at front entrance
Pebbled stairs at front entrance
Pebbled stairs at front entrance
Pebble paving in courtyard around pool

Pebble Paving Around Your Pool

Another gorgeous job done by a contractor in the JHB area.
The end result as you can see is gorgeous and something to brag about to your family and friends.

Pebble paving in courtyard

Pebble Paving Job in Durban

Another fantastic opportunity for our Durban Contractor, Bruce from B&M Coatings, to lay some gorgeous pebbles around a pool. But the customer didn't just want the pebbling around the edges, they also requested that some stepping stones were made to fit between their false grass turf AND to top it all off they wanted to lay a thick layer of pebbling in the outdoor patio area.
The results are simply stunning as you can see below.

Pebble stepping stones in green grass and pebble paving around pool
Pebble paving around pool and coping around pool
Pebble paving around pool and coping around pool
Pebble paving applied to outdoor patio
Pebble paving applied to outdoor patio
Pebble paving applied to outdoor patio

Pebble Paving on Veranda

A Kote Approved Contractor in JHB had the wonderful opportunity to lay down a rather smart looking layer of light coloured pebbles onto a customers veranda of their home.

Light coloured pebbles applied to balcony
Pebbled veranda

PebbleKote Being Applied

Watch one of our customers applying our PebbleKote around his swimming pool (As also seen on the right)

Pebble paving around a pool

Pool Paving - PebbleKote

As you can see, the finished product looks incredible around one of our customers pool at their home.

pebble coating for pool area

Pebbles applied to the edging of the pool feature by using SpunKote as a bonding membrane for the pebbles. Making it easier to lay the pebbles down on the sloping arches.

Pebbled uprights for pool feature

Pool Paving - PebbleKote

For an aesthetically pleasing look around your pool, you can place the PebbleKote not just on the floor but on any surface as shown in these three photos

Pebble coating and Pool coating for your pool area

The completed job of PebbleKote on the pool feature as well as the applied PoolKote to the inner walls of the pool

Pebble Edging Around a Pool

As can be seen on the left (and centre picture) a client bought a carpet trimming so he could apply his pebbles and keep his pool edging looking nice and clean.
The pebbles created a great non slip edge for his pool while also not detracting from the aesthetics of his pool area.

Pool Pebble Coping - PebbleKote

As you can see, the finished product looks incredible around one of our customers pools. The original idea was to make it red (as seen in the video - using our red ColorKote) but after some discussion the decision to change it to grey and white pebbles with our PolyKote binder was agreed upon.

This just goes to show how versatile the product is and how stunning it can look no matter the colour.

Justice Weru is the man behind the work for this project in Mbabane, Swaziland - his company is called Anatoth Investments and his contact info isĀ +26878634757

Pebble walkway using PebbleKote to cover old bricks and concrete
PebbleKote inside the kitchen area of a Nature Reserve Estate

Pebble Walkways

A customer of ours has laid down pebbles in and around the lappa area of her reserve, keeping with the place a rustic feel but also making the pathways look gorgeous

PebbleKote around a Lapa in a Nature Reserve


A customer was rather unhappy with the look of their floor and after some serious discussion, the decision to lay down PebbleKote was agreed upon.

But like we advise all our customers, cleaning the surface first and thoroughly is vital to the successful application of our product.


Doing the entire job themselves, our customer has transformed the area into a picturesque walkway that looks inviting to all and is perfectly complementary to any decor they choose to adorn on the walls or patios furniture they wish to use in the area.

Pebble Patio - Pebble Veranda - Pebble sitting area - Protective roof cover - Pebbled Balcony - Pebbles - PebbleKote
Pebble Patio - Pebble Veranda - Pebble sitting area - Protective roof cover - Pebbled Balcony - Pebbles - PebbleKote

Pebble Paving Around A Braai Area + Backyard Pathway

BEFORE - The Pebble Paving Around the House

While the pathway and surrounding area of the braai and backyard are not in any sort of disarray or neglect the owners wanted to upgrade the area so they could come outside and enjoy the evenings around their braai with family, so, they requested a layer of our PebbleKote to lain down.
Our approved Kote Contractor in Durban, Bruce (082 082 5277), did the job and it has turned out perfectly!

AFTER - The Pebble Paving Around the Home

Looking at the images taken below you can see how gorgeous the new area looks with all the pebble paving on the old tiles as well as on the stairs to complete the outdoor look.

Magnificent Driveway

Beautiful Garden

Stunning Balcony

Designer Pathway

Colourful Pathways

Stunning Stairways


Swimming Pools

Indoor Pebble Flooring

Shovel It On

Flatten It Out
