

RustKote is a water-based rust convertor and metal primer all in one.

A new technological breakthrough allows us to offer the most advanced form of metal protection from rust or where the prevention of rust is required.

RustKote convertor/primer will form a shield from old rust reaching the surface
whilst also providing a solid foundation for our WiteKote water-based enamel paint or our totally transparent WaterKote for waterproofing and UV protection.

A simple process of sanding the rust, washing off, allow to dry and start painting
two coats 30minutes apart before applying the top coat of your choice.

250 Hour salt spray test what it means...

These images are not doctored by photoshop to impress the visitors to this site but rather this is results from a world standards test with verifiable documentation.

Let's say you are looking for a product that is like no other, and that actually works as per these test results, then you need to send us an email or phone us.

Both in Germany and in France this product has been tested by companies who have been in business for over 180 years, try to wrap your mind around that statement. How many companies can you think of that is 180 years old?

These are the people and products we associate ourselves with, we refuse the cheap alternatives

This is a breakthrough and no one in this country has a product close to this.

Rust Protection Coating - RustKote
Primed steel beams with RustKote
OvaKote on preprimed steel beams

Raw Metal

Here you can see the raw steel has rusted from being out in the weather. Sun, dew and rain affects so many structures and machinery no matter whether it sits indoors or outside.

RustKote Primer

After applying the first coat of RustKote Primer you can see the difference. It has neutralised the rust and gripped itself into the metal providing the perfect surface for the next step which is to apply a top coat, whether that is a tinted coating or clear.

Tinted OvaKote

As you can see here the steel has now been coated with a Burgundy/Purple tinted overcoat to help protect the steel beam from further degradation and of course to make it look aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

CLICK HERE to learn more about our OvaKote

Rusted shipping containers
Rusted steel and rusted bolts

Rusted Metal

Rust can be found in many places but the most common is on sheets of metal that have been in the outdoors, exposed to the sun and rain for many months and because of this degradation of its original coating you will find rust has begun to show.

It may not be in large obvious patches but the sooner you can stop the rust from spreading the longer your metal will last.

Some of the more common items that experience rust are untreated steel beams that are used for warehouses, factories, bridges and other building structures. Other rusted items are machinery like tractors, tools like spanners and screwdrivers, plus items like metal sheeting for roofs or warehouse side panels with screws that are pushed through the metal, so even if the sheeting itself had a protective coating prior to the installation you may find that the 'cutting into' the metal that a screw or bolt does will create the perfect puncture in that protective layer and cause rust to form.

Rusted steel plates

Stop the Rust!

Stop the rust before it damages your expensive equipment.